If you're somebody with a poor credit rating, getting a loan from a conventional lender can be close to impossible. Also, if you're looking for payday loans with no hard credit check, then going to a traditional loan lender may not be the best idea since they conduct hard credit checks which may reduce your credit rating even further.
Probably the only option you may have is availing one from a direct lender since they offer payday loans to people with bad credit.
Also, if you need finances urgently then approaching a direct loan lender is a great idea since their approval processes do not take days or weeks to complete, unlike those of conventional lenders.
If you have bad credit and do not have anything to provide as collateral, it can make it all the more difficult for you to receive a traditional loan. Most direct lenders do not require you to provide a security pledging of any form even with bad credit which is why your chance of receiving a loan is way higher.